Location | Item |
Links Pocket | Spirit Medallion |
Kokiri Shop Item 1 | Buy Deku Shield [Costs 40 Rupees] |
Kokiri Shop Item 4 | Buy Deku Stick (1) [Costs 10 Rupees] |
Gift from Saria | Ocarina |
Master Sword Pedestal | Master Sword |
Impa at Castle | Eponas Song |
GS Castle Market Guard House | Gold Skulltula Token |
GS Kakariko House Under Construction | Gold Skulltula Token |
GS Kakariko Skulltula House | Gold Skulltula Token |
GS Kakariko Guard's House | Gold Skulltula Token |
GS Kakariko Tree | Gold Skulltula Token |
Impa House Freestanding PoH | Progressive Strength Upgrade |
DM Trail Freestanding PoH | Progressive Hookshot |
GS Lon Lon Ranch Tree | Gold Skulltula Token |
GS Lon Lon Ranch Rain Shed | Gold Skulltula Token |
Lon Lon Tower Freestanding PoH | Bottle with Green Potion |
Location | Item |
GS Kokiri Know It All House | Gold Skulltula Token |
GS Kokiri Bean Patch | Gold Skulltula Token |
GS Kokiri House of Twins | Gold Skulltula Token |
LW Deku Scrub Deku Stick Upgrade | Magic Meter [Costs 40 Rupees] |
Song at Windmill | Requiem of Spirit |
Link the Goron | Slingshot |
Sheik in Crater | Zeldas Lullaby |
Epona | Epona |
Fire Temple Chest Near Boss | Small Key (Fire Temple) |
Location | Item |
Gerudo Fortress North F1 Carpenter | Small Key (Gerudo Fortress) |
Sheik at Colossus | Song of Storms |
10 Gold Skulltula Reward | Progressive Wallet |
Song from Composer Grave | Sarias Song |
Queen Gohma Heart | Bottle with Letter |
Spirit Temple Child Left Chest | Small Key (Spirit Temple) |
Spirit Temple Child Right Chest | Small Key (Spirit Temple) |
Location | Item |
Gerudo Fortress Carpenter Rescue | Carpenter Rescue |
Gerudo Fortress Membership Card | Gerudo Membership Card |
Sheik Forest Song | Song of Time |
Mountain Storms Grotto Chest | Mirror Shield |
Bottom of the Well Freestanding Key | Small Key (Bottom of the Well) |
Bottom of the Well Underwater Front Chest | Small Key (Bottom of the Well) |
Bottom of the Well Underwater Left Chest | Small Key (Bottom of the Well) |
Location | Item |
Forest Temple Map Chest | Small Key (Forest Temple) |
Forest Temple Outside Hookshot Chest | Small Key (Forest Temple) |
Bottom of the Well Locked Pits | Hammer |
Gerudo Training Grounds Hammer Room Clear Chest | Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds) |
Gerudo Training Grounds Before Heavy Block Chest | Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds) |
Location | Item |
Goron City Left Maze Chest | Bow |
LW Grotto Deku Scrub Deku Nut Upgrade | Light Arrows [Costs 40 Rupees] |
Gerudo Training Grounds Hammer Room Switch Chest | Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds) |
Location | Item |
Forest Temple Floormaster Chest | Small Key (Forest Temple) |
Forest Temple Boss Key Chest | Progressive Strength Upgrade |
Gerudo Training Grounds Lobby Left Chest | Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds) |
Gerudo Training Grounds Near Scarecrow Chest | Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds) |
Location | Item |
Forest Temple Bow Chest | Small Key (Forest Temple) |
Forest Temple Red Poe Chest | Boss Key (Forest Temple) |
Forest Temple Blue Poe Chest | Small Key (Forest Temple) |
Gerudo Training Grounds Heavy Block First Chest | Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds) |
Gerudo Training Grounds Heavy Block Fourth Chest | Progressive Wallet |
Spirit Temple Early Adult Right Chest | Small Key (Spirit Temple) |
Location | Item |
Phantom Ganon | Forest Medallion |
Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Path Second Chest | Dins Fire |
Spirit Temple First Mirror Right Chest | Small Key (Spirit Temple) |
Location | Item |
Spirit Temple Sun Block Room Chest | Small Key (Spirit Temple) |
Location | Item |
Silver Gauntlets Chest | Progressive Scale |
Location | Item |
Zora Shop Item 1 | Buy Zora Tunic [Costs 300 Rupees] |
Ice Cavern Map Chest | Bomb Bag |
Location | Item |
King Dodongo | Water Medallion |
Fire Temple Big Lava Room Bombable Chest | Boomerang |
Spirit Temple Hallway Left Invisible Chest | Boss Key (Spirit Temple) |
Location | Item |
Jabu Jabus Belly Compass Chest | Claim Check |
Barinade | Shadow Medallion |
Twinrova | Light Medallion |
Location | Item |
Biggoron | Iron Boots |
Location | Item |
Water Temple Compass Chest | Small Key (Water Temple) |
Water Temple Torches Chest | Small Key (Water Temple) |
Water Temple Dragon Chest | Small Key (Water Temple) |
Water Temple Central Pillar Chest | Progressive Hookshot |
Water Temple Cracked Wall Chest | Small Key (Water Temple) |
Location | Item |
Water Temple Central Bow Target Chest | Small Key (Water Temple) |
Location | Item |
Water Temple River Chest | Boss Key (Water Temple) |
Location | Item |
Morpha | Fire Medallion |
Location | Item |
Ganon | Triforce |